Fakta Ilmiah: Mukjizat Nabi Muhammad Membelah Bulan
THE STORY is told by Prof Dr Al-Najar Zaghlul (Geology Muslim scholars) about the experience of a leader of Al-Hizb al-Islamy British convert to Islam because of admiration in the separation of truth.
Allah says: "It was near the Day of Resurrection, and the moon has split" (Surat al-Qamar 1).
Are you going to justify the story of the Qur'an is the cause of the Islamic Hizb Islami leader of England?
Below is his story :
In a speech on television meeting with the Muslim geologists, Prof.. Zaghlul Dr. Al-Najar, one British citizen questioned him, whether verse from surat Al-Qamar above contain scientific miracles?
So, Prof.. Dr. Al-Najar Zaghlul answered as follows: About this verse, I'll tell you a story. Since some time ago, I presented at the Univ. Cardif, western England, and the participants who attended all kinds, there are Muslims and there are also non-Muslims. One of the themes of discussion at that time was about the scientific miracles of the Qur'an. One of the Islamic youth who stood up and asked, "My God, do you think the verse that says," It has been near the Day of Resurrection, and the moon has split ", contains scientific miracles?"
So I said: No, because the scientific excellence is explained by science, while miracle can not be explained science, because he could not reach. And about the separation month, then it is a miracle that happened in the last Messenger Muhammad. as a justification for the prophetic and apostolic, as the previous prophets.
Miracles are seen, then it was witnessed and confirmed by everyone who saw it. If not found in the Book of Allah and the Prophet, then surely we Muslims in this era would not believe. However, it was stipulated in the Quran and the Sunnah, the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Allah Ta'ala truly has power over all things. So, Prof.. Dr. Al-Najar Zaghlul story quoted the Prophet split the moon. The story is before the Hijrah from Mecca to Medina Mukarramah. The polytheists said, "O Muhammad, if you really prophet and messenger, try to show us the greatness that could prove prophetic and kerasulanmu (mocking and making fun of)?"
The Prophet asked, "What do you want? They said: Try to divide the moon". So, the Prophet stood up and paused, then pray to God for help. Then, Allah tells Muhammad to lead a finger to the moon. So, the Prophet directed his finger to the moon and the moon is divided by the truth. So, once also the idolaters say, "Muhammad, you really had bewitched us!" However, experts say it is true that magic can be "bewitched" person who was next to him, but could not bewitch people who are not in place. So they waited for the people who will return from the trip. Then, the people of Quraysh who rushed to exit the city limits of Mecca waiting for someone who had just returned from the trip.
And when he came the first group from the trip to Mecca, the idolaters were asked, "Did you see anything strange with the moon?" They replied, "Yeah, right. On the last night we saw the moon split in two, and away from one another and each one back together ...".
Finally, some believe they and others remained pagan (damaged). Therefore, Allah revealed the verses of his: Indeed, had the Day of Resurrection, and has split the moon. When he saw the signs we are, and they disbelieved again turned and said, "This is the magic constant", and they denied him, even follow their own lusts. And every business has really fixed .... (until the end of surat Al-Qamar).
This is a true story, according to Prof. Dr. Al-Najar Zaghlul. And after the completion of Prof.. Dr. convey Zaghlul hadith prophet, standing a Muslim British citizens and introduced himself and said, "I Pitkhok David Moses, chairman of Al-Hizb Al-Islamy English.
O Sir, may I add? "Prof. Dr. Al-Najar Zaghlul replied: welcome gladly." David Moses Pitkhok said, "I have studied religions (before he became a Muslim), one Muslim student pointed to a translation of the Qur'aan that noble. I also thank him and rendering it brought back. As I leafed through the translation of Al -Quran at home, who first opened the letter al-Qamar. And I read it: "It has been close qiamat days and months have split ... .
I mumbled: "Does this sentence make sense? Is it possible to split months later reunited? If so, what kind of power can do that? So I stopped reading the next verses and I busied myself with affairs of daily life. But , Allah is Aware of His servants sincerity in the search for truth.
One day I was sitting in front of British television. At that time there was a discussion between a British presenter and 3 of the U.S. space experts. The third space experts also informed of such large funds in order to travel into space, while at the same time the world was experiencing the problems of hunger, poverty, pain and strife. The presenter also said, "If the funds are used for the prosperity of the earth, would be more useful". All three experts also defend themselves with the project, and said, "This space project will bring a very positive impact on many segments of human life, both in terms of medical, industrial, and agriculture. Thus, funds are not wasted, but in context of the development of human life.
And, in between the discussion is about the decline astronauts set foot on the moon, where the journey to the moon has spent no less than 100 million dollars. Hearing this, the presenter was flabbergasted and said, "let alone this kind of ignorance, so much money thrown away by the U.S. only to be landed on the moon?"
They also said, "No! Goal is not simply plugging the U.S. science on the moon, but we learn the content in that month alone, so we've got the essence of the moon, that if we provide funds for more than 100 million dollars for human pleasure, so we will not provide funds to anyone.
Then the presenter asked, "The essence of what you have achieved so the stakes are so expensive? They said," It is through the cleavage of the moon in a day long ago, then reunited.! This picture was on the shuttle pictures NASAPresenter asked, "How can you be sure?" They said, "We have found exactly the cut stones on the surface of the moon split in the (stomach) months. Then, we asked experts to examine geological and they said," It might not happen unless the moon has split and then reunited.
Hearing the explanation, the head of Al-Hizb al-Islamy UK, said, "So I got out of the chair and said," Miracle (greatness) has actually happened to Muhammad. From 1400 years ago. God has truly mock the U.S. to release funds so large, more than 100 million dollars, just to establish the truth of the Muslims!! Thus, Islam can not be good.
So, I muttered, "So, I opened the back Mushhaf al-Quran and I read surah Al-Qamar, and ... it was the beginning I received and converted to Islam.
Source : Cahaya Iman
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